(DIGRO) Squired


Forgot password

Create an account

  1. Using your personal MPesa-enabled phone, select "Pay Bill" from the M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter Digro Investment Business Number 702 876
  3. Enter your National Id Number,this will be used as your Digro account number
  4. Enter the Amount you want to deposit, Note non-refundable registration fee of 2,000/= will be deducted automatically.
  5. Confirm that all the details are correct and press Ok
  6. An SMS confirming receipt of your money will be sent from DIGRO
  7. You will receive an SMS containing your password and username,note: The phone number used to make initial payment will be your username.
  8. At this point registration is complete,you can always repeat the above steps to deposit money to your Digro account
Mobile phone: Get in touch: +254 710 780 315 | +254 723 545 204 | Email: digrosquired@gmail.com